Havdalah with Hazzan Ellen Miller Arad

January 9, 2021, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

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Please join me for a spirited evening of old favorites-a little Hebrew, a little Yiddish, a little English, as we come together to start a new week on a happy note! Feel free to sing, clap and dance along! We look forward to seeing you there!

Join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/335351155


About Hazzan Ellen Miller Arad

Upon her investiture, Hazzan Ellen Miller Arad was asked to join the faculty of the HL Miller Cantorial School, where she served as an Adjunct Instructor for 8 years. In addition to her position as part time hazzan of First Hebrew Congregation in Peekskill, NY, Ellen is currently the Associate Director of the B’nei Mitzvah program at Temple Shaaray Tefilla in Bedford NY. In addition to serving on the Executive Council of The Cantors Assembly, Ellen has served the Jewish community for many years as an educator, lay leader, choral director and hazzan, and most recently as a chaplain at New York Presbyterian Hospital and The Hebrew Home at Riverdale. A self-taught guitarist from the age of 12, Ellen is equally comfortable playing her guitar for a community event, davenning from the bimah, singing on the concert stage, or lecturing as a scholar-in-residence. Her passion for fostering vibrant Jewish life took her to Barcelona, where she was sent through a joint initiative of the Cantors Assembly and Masorti Olami, to help strengthen the visibility and presence of non-Orthodox communities in Europe. The story of her road to the cantorate has been published in a collection of essays entitled At My Pace, in which she credits her beloved teacher, mentor, and childhood cantor Lawrence Avery, z’l, with setting her foot along this path. Ellen holds a BA with honors from Brandeis University, an MA from NYU in Communications, an MA in Jewish Education from JTS, as well as an MA in Sacred Music from the Miller Cantorial School. 

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