BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:America/New_York X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York;VALUE=DATE:20250328 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York;VALUE=DATE:20250331 DTSTAMP:20250209T164208Z URL: SUMMARY:Scholars-in-Residence Weekend DESCRIPTION:To register for Scholars-in-Residence weekend\, please click th is link: ml\n\nMark your calendars for Friday evening\, March 28 – Sunday morning \, March 30\, 2025\, for an exhilarating weekend of Torah\, debate\, and l earning at WJC! We are thrilled to welcome journalist Abigail Pogrebin and Rabbi Dov Linzer\, authors of the new book\, It Takes Two to Torah\, as o ur 2025 Scholars-in-Residence. Together\, they bring a dynamic partnership that combines deep scholarly insight with engaging contemporary perspecti ves.\n\nOur weekend will delve into the themes presented by Rabbi Linzer a nd Ms. Pogrebin through their collaborative work\, exploring the Torah wit h an approach that bridges traditional with contemporary Jewish viewpoints . More than a series of talks\, this event will be a vibrant\, interactive experience\, offering unique insights into the Jewish texts that are both ancient and profoundly relevant today. Join us for a weekend that promise s to deepen your understanding and inspire you through thought-provoking d iscussions and study sessions.\n\nOur scholars will lead and engage us thr oughout the weekend:\n\n· Come Friday night to hear about the backstory o f their unique study partnership.\n\n· Join us again on Shabbat morning a s they share thoughts on Torah during services.\n\n· Stay for lunch – a nd engage in Torah study as they lead us through a Hevrutah-style deep div e into Torah text.\n\n· Come back on Sunday morning and prepare for Passo ver (two weeks later) with a lively session focused on energizing your own seder experience.\n\nJoin us for an exceptional WJC experience!\n\nhttps: //\n\nTo register for Scholars-in-Resid ence weekend\, please click this link: /2025-scholars-in-residence.html\n\nThe Scholar-in-Residence Program is su pported by donations. Your contribution is vital to Adult Education at WJC . Thank you for your generous support.\n\nDonation Levels (Per Household)\ n\nAmbassador’s Circle: $540\n\nExperience Exclusive Access: Join the Am bassador’s Circle and enjoy prominent recognition in our weekend program . Your family will receive a complimentary Shabbat dinner and a copy of It Takes Two to Torah*. Plus\, enjoy an intimate Shabbat afternoon reception with authors Abigail Pogrebin and Rabbi Linzer\, following the engaging H evrutah session. An exceptional opportunity to deepen your connection and create lasting memories.\n\nBenefactor: $360\n\nEnjoy Enhanced Recognition : As a Benefactor\, your support will be acknowledged in our program. Reli sh a complimentary Shabbat dinner where you can mingle with fellow communi ty members in a festive setting. Your generosity helps us continue our tra dition of enriching events and spiritual growth.\n\nPatron: $180 **\n\nTha nks for your Leadership: Your Patron-level contribution keeps our communit y learning and growing\, and your gift will be acknowledged in our event p rogram.\n\nSponsor: $126 **\n\nShow Your Support: Donate at the Sponsor Le vel and see your name in the program. Your contribution makes a big differ ence in what we can do.\n\nDonor: $72 **\n\nContribute to this Program: As a Donor\, your support will be recognized in the program.\n\n \;\n\n* Shabbat dinner and It Takes Two to Torah will be available for purchase\n \n** Does not include the Shabbat dinner cost ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: /01/WJC25_SIR_Vertical.png CATEGORIES:Adult Education,Featured Events END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York X-LIC-LOCATION:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20250309T030000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR