Saturday, September 28
8:30pm: Musical Selichot Service We join several area synagogues for a musical introduction to the High Holiday season. Temple Israel Center: 280 Old Mamaroneck Road in White PlainsSunday, September 29
2:00pm: WJC’s Reverse Tashlich WJC joins Repair the Sea®, and Jewish communities around the world in the 7th Annual Reverse Tashlich, a global waterfront cleanup. On Rosh Hashanah, in a ritual called Tashlich, it is customary to symbolically cast our “sins” into a body of water to begin the New Year with a clean heart. In Reverse Tashlich, we flip the process and remove human “sins” (in the form of plastic and other marine debris) from the water. Everyone is welcome! Dress to get dirty and bring a water bottle. Supplies—gloves, buckets, bags, pickers—will be provided. RSVP at Please meet us at Columbus Park (behind the Mamaroneck Train Station) near the basketball courts.Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2
6:15pm: Erev Rosh Hashanah Services in the Sanctuary open seatingRosh Hashanah Day 1: Thursday, October 3
8:30am: Community-Wide Service in the Sanctuary open seating
9:30am: Clergy-Led Service in the Sanctuary
9:30am: Study Service in the Chapel Led by Seth Schafler and Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein with significant lay participation
10:00am: Family Service in the Activity Center Led by Rabbi Dalton and Matt Baum
10:45am: Youth Services
11:00am: Teen Program
5:00pm: Community Tashlich at Harbor Island Park At the corner of Orienta Avenue and Boston Post Road
6:15pm: Community Ma’ariv in the Chapel open seatingRosh Hashanah Day 2: Friday, October 4
8:30am: Community-Wide Service in the Sanctuary open seating
9:30am: Clergy-Led Service in the Sanctuary
9:30am Study Service in the Chapel Led by Seth Schafler and Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein with significant lay participation
10:00am: Family Service in the Activity Center Led by Rabbi Dalton and Matt Baum
10:45am: Youth Services
5:00pm: Community Tashlich at Harbor Island Park (Rain date)
6:15pm: Community Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv in the Chapel open seatingShabbat Shuva: Saturday, October 5
9:15am: Shabbat Morning Services in the Sanctuary
11:00am: Torah for Tots in the Youth Lounge
11:00am: Youth Services in the Chapel
6:15pm: Community Mincha in the Chapel
7:19pm: HavdalahSunday, October 6
(NEW!) 10:30am: High Holiday Cemetery Service in the WJC Chapel of Glanville Cemetery
Tuesday, October 8
3:30pm: ECC & RS Sukkah Decorating All WJC children along with a grown-up are invited to come decorate the WJC Sukkah. RSVP at
Erev Yom Kippur: Friday, October 11
1:15pm: Mincha in the Chapel
5:15pm: Kol Nidre Childcare Games & Activities Drop off your children (ages 4 and up) for supervised games and activities with Emilie Goodrich. Children under 4 are welcome with an adult. RSVP by September 16 at
5:30pm: Clergy-Led Service in the Sanctuary
6:00pm: Study Service in the Chapel Led by Seth Schafler and Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein with significant lay participation
6:01pm: Fast Begins
Yom Kippur: Saturday, October 12
8:30am: Community-Wide Service in the Sanctuary open seating
10:00am: Clergy-Led Service in the Sanctuary
10:00am: Study Service in the Chapel Led by Seth Schafler and Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein with significant lay participation
10:00am: Family Service in the Activity Center Led by Rabbi Dalton and Matt Baum
11:00am: Youth Services
11:00am: Teen Program
2:00pm: Torah Study with Rabbi Arnowitz For this year’s afternoon study session we are inviting college students to share their experiences with Antisemitism on their campuses. If you know college students (or recent graduates) who will be home for Yom Kippur and would be willing to participate in the discussion, please let Rabbi Arnowitz know as soon as possible.
3:00pm: Mindfulness Meditation with Cheryl Brause Instructor and WJC member Cheryl Brause leads a Yom Kippur-themed session as we approach the final hours of the day.
3:45pm: Community Mincha in the Sanctuary open seating
5:00pm: Community Yizkor Service Last Yom Kippur we added an afternoon Yizkor Memorial Service for those who may have missed Yizkor during the earlier services. This year, in addition to that purpose, the 5pm Yizkor service will serve as a Memorial service for those lost on October 7th and since. The service will include telling the story of several of those lost that day and since, to symbolize and personalize the tremendous loss on and since that horrible day. Childcare will be starting at 5pm to help make it easier for all anyone to attend.
5:00pm: Childcare and Havdalah Procession Childcare will be available during the Neilah service starting at 5:00pm. This will include supervised play for children 4 and up. Children under 4 are welcome to join with an adult. Following Neilah services children will join in a fun, light-filled procession into the sanctuary for a meaningful havdalah service.
5:00pm: Discussion with Rabbi Dalton Rabbi Dalton leads an interactive discussion in the Chapel for those not attending the Community Yizkor.
5:30pm: Neilah Combined Service in the Sanctuary open seating
7:01pm: Fast Ends/ Ma’ariv in the Sanctuary
7:01pm: Fast Ends and Break Fast Immediately following services, swing by to enjoy a community break fast. Grab and go or stay and schmooze. A perfect way for all WJC members to rejoice and connect with our incredible community after a meaningful day. Come and enjoy a delicious meal and let WJC handle the clean-up after the holiday. RSVP at
Tuesday, October 15
9:45am: Tuesday Torah Class Get-Together at the home of Scott and Rachel Aronow. Hosted in their sukkah. RSVP to for the address.
7:00pm: Sisterhood Sukkot Soirée + Decorating Gather with your sisters underneath our beautiful Sukkah with interior designer Erica Sigel, as she guides us in the mitzvah of decorating our WJC Sukkah.
Erev Sukkot: Wednesday, October 16
6:00pm: Erev Sukkot Services in the Chapel |
Sukkot I: Thursday, October 17
9:15am: Sukkot Day 1 Shacharit Services in the Sanctuary
6:00pm: Community Mincha in the ChapelSukkot II: Friday, October 18
9:15am: Sukkot Day 2 Shacharit Services in the Sanctuary
5:30pm: Preschool Family Shabbat Service These services are specially designed for families with young children, creating a warm and welcoming space where little ones can connect with their heritage in a fun and engaging way. If you’re looking for a way to introduce your preschooler to the beauty and joy of Shabbat, step into the welcoming embrace of a Family Shabbat Service. You might just discover a new favorite family tradition in the making!
6:00pm: Community Shabbat Dinner The entire WJC community is invited to join us for a Shabbat dinner. $25 per adult, $15 per child, $80 max per family. Save when you register in advance with code “25OFF.”
5:45pm: Traditional Friday Evening Services in the Sanctuary
7:00pm: Rhythm & Ruach in the Chapel Make WJC your home on Friday night. Join us this service to welcome Shabbat, reflect on the week, and connect with God and with each other. Learn new melodies and sing your old favorites, accompanied by our volunteer music ensemble.Sukkot III: Saturday October 19
9:15am: Shabbat Morning Services
11:00am: Torah for Tots
11:00am: Youth Services
5:45pm: Community Mincha in the Chapel
Sukkot IV: Sunday, October 20
8:30am: Minyan
3:00pm: The Miles Federman Memorial Lecture Series presents Reflecting on Retirement with Ben Quick Join us in the Activity Center where we’ll delve into the complexities of retirement planning with Ben Quick. From pre-retirement strategies to navigating life after work, we’ve got you covered. Each lecture will be followed by a delicious dinner. RSVP at
6:00pm: Teens in the Sukkah Stay tuned for details. RSVP at
7:30pm: Evening Minyan in the Chapel
Sukkot V: Monday, October 21
6:45am: Minyan
7:30pm: Evening Minyan
7:45pm: Brotherhood Nosh & Scotch in the Sukkah Please join the Brotherhood for dinner in the Sukkah where Rabbi Arnowitz will lead a scotch tasting lesson and lively discussion on a relevant topic to Sukkot and our daily lives. $45 per person. RSVP at
Sukkot VI: Tuesday, October 22
6:45am: Minyan in the Chapel
4:00pm: PJ Library Story Time & Sing-Along in the Sukkah All children and their grownups are welcome to join us for stories, music, and movement. Together we will celebrate this joyful holiday! Weather permitting, we will meet in the WJC Sukkah.
6:00pm: K-6th Grade Sukkah Pizza Party WJC Children in Kindergarten–6th grade are invited to join together for pizza and games in the Sukkah. $12 per child. RSVP at
7:30pm: Evening Minyan in the Chapel
8:00pm: ECC Parent Cocktail Party in the Sukkah ECC Parents are welcome to join us for cocktails in the Sukkah. Free to attend. RSVP at
Sukkot VII: Wednesday, October 23
6:30am: Minyan
5:45pm: Erev Shemini Atzeret Services in the Chapel
Shemini Atzeret: Thursday, October 24
7:00am: Early Shemini Atzeret Shacharit Services including Yizkor in the Chapel
9:15am: Shemini Atzeret Shacharit Services in the Sanctuary (Yizkor not before 10:30am)
1:15pm: Community Mincha
5:30pm: Family Simchat Torah Extravaganza and Dinner Families with young children are invited to learn more about the Torah and celebrate with joyous dancing! Dinner: $5 per person, $25 per family (max) RSVP at
7:00pm: Community Hakafot
Simchat Torah: Friday, October 25
9:15am: Simchat Torah Services in the Sanctuary
5:45pm: Friday Night Evening Services in the Chapel |