We are excited to again offer options for a diverse array of services, designed to provide opportunities for all congregants!
Please note: Several of our services have limitations based on room size and other factors. Please register as early as possible so we can do our best to accommodate all requests. Seating assignments and honors begin as soon as registration closes. We are more likely to confirm your choices if you respond by the due date. All service requests must be submitted no later than Monday, July 15. All services in the Sanctuary will also be available on live stream.
On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur morning, children ages two through 7th grade are invited to join their peers for their very own high holiday experience. On Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur, during our morning program, a Torah for Tots service for our pre-school age children will be led by Tkiya. In addition to high holiday services at an age appropriate level, children in 1st – 7th grade will participate in various activities led by different educators from our community. A light lunch will be served on all three days to each age group.
Supervised childcare for children under the age of two will be provided with pre-registration.
All service requests must be submitted no later than Monday, July 15.
Rosh Hashanah Day 1: Thursday, October 3
10:45am-12:15pm: Youth Services
Rosh Hashanah Day 2: Friday, October 4
10:45am-12:15pm: Youth Services
4:00pm: Torah for Tots
Kol Nidre: Friday, October 11
5:15 pm-8:15 pm: Childcare, games, activities and more!
Children of all ages are invited to join Emilie Goodrich for supervised improv storytelling, activities, and games during Kol Nidre services. This is a drop off program for children ages 4 and up. Children under 4 are welcome to join with an adult.
Yom Kippur: Saturday, October 12
11:00am-12:30pm: Youth Services
5:00pm-7:00 pm: Yom Kippur Neilah Childcare and Havdalah Procession–Registration is Required–No charge
New this year! Childcare will be available during the Neilah service starting at 5:00pm. This will include supervised play for children 4 and up. Children under 4 are welcome to join with an adult. Following Neilah services children will join in a fun, light-filled procession into the sanctuary for a meaningful havdalah service.