2019 Passover Reminders

Dear Friend,

We are about to embark on preparations for Passover. The next few weeks will be filled with cleaning, schlepping, cooking, learning and the like, in order to assure a festive and meaningful holiday. We are writing to remind you of one aspect of preparation that is very important.

Every Jew has a mitzvah to provide special tzedakah before Passover. This tzedakah, called “Maot Hittim” is collected in the weeks before the holiday and quickly distributed to Jews who do not have the means to celebrate Seders or to purchase kosher for Passover food. Such Jews live in poverty in the New York area. There are also Jews who are confined to hospitals and nursing homes. To honor the memory of our teacher, Rabbi Irving Koslowe z”I, a gift will be made to support Jews who are in NY correctional facilities.

In these uncertain times, the need for Maot Hittim is greater than ever. As we busy ourselves to make our holidays delicious and beautiful, we must count the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us. Then we can open our hearts to those who cannot even dream of the blessings that we enjoy.

Our Center has a special WJC Passover Fund. Fulfill the mitzvah and make your contribution early in your Passover plans. The Haggadah tells us to say” ko/ dikhfin yeitei v’yeikho/ (all who are hungry, let them come and eat.”) Through your generosity, those words become a reality. Thank you in advance and hag kasher v’samei’akh.

Rabbi Adir Yolkut and Rabbi Jeffrey Segelman


As preparations for Passover go into full swing, please take note of the following important information:

1. We are required to sell all the hametz which may remain in our possession before the holiday begins. For the contract enabling the rabbi to sell you hametz, Click Here

2. What does your kitchen look on the eve of Passover? Are you wondering what to make for dinner? No Problem! Join WJC for a Pre-Passover Pizza dinner. Click Here

3. The Rabbinical Assembly of the Conservative Movement has a concise outline of basic laws regarding Passover foods and food preparation. For the Passover Guide, Click Here


Wishing you all a happy and healthy Passover!

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