WJC offers members the opportunity to hold significant lifecycle events at the shul, with the guidance and participation of our clergy.
Brit Milah or ritual circumcision is the oldest ritual in Judaism, going back to Abraham. The ceremony takes place on the eighth day of a healthy male infant’s life where he receives his Hebrew name. A brit milah can be held at home or in the synagogue and is usually followed by a festive meal.
Traditionally, a baby girl is named in the synagogue during the first Torah reading following her birth. The baby’s father and/or mother are called to the Torah for an aliyah, after which a mi’sheh’bayrach is said, announcing the child’s name. In more recent years, more involved rituals have evolved to mark the birth of a baby girl. We would love to help cater your baby naming to your needs and desires.
A boy becomes a bar mitzvah simply by turning 13. A girl becomes a bat mitzvah by turning 12. Nonetheless, the bar/bat mitzvah has evolved into a more ritualized ceremony, marked by the child being called to the Torah for an aliyah, on or after his or her 13th or 12th Hebrew birthday, respectively. Typically, the child will chant from the Torah and deliver a d’var Torah and if the bar/bat mitzvah is a Shabbat morning, chant the haftarah.
WJC offers many options for bar/bat mitzvah including Shabbat morning, Shabbat mincha, Rosh Chodesh, etc.
Click here to visit our page on celebrating a b’nei mitzvah at WJC
The elements of a Jewish wedding are based both in custom and law. Elements of the wedding day may vary depending on the religious outlook of the couple and the rabbi who is performing the ceremony. Planning a wedding can be a time of great joy as well as stress. The rabbis are available for consultation as well as pre-marital counseling.
Auf Ruf
The Shabbat before their wedding, the two partners are honored with an aliyah.
The loss of a loved one is a time when we need the support and guidance of our tradition the most. WJC and our rabbis are here to provide comfort for you and your family through the funeral and shiva period. Contact our Rabbis at such time that guidance is needed.