Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Fridays, time varies
Bring in Shabbat with song and spirit. This service includes the full Kabbalat Shabbat liturgy (voices only) and a brief sermon. Consult the website or Review for the exact time, which changes based on the time of sunset-in the winter it can be as early as 4:15pm, and is never later than 7:15pm.
Shabbat Morning Service
Saturdays, 9:15am
The community’s main gathering time is our Shabbat Morning Service. This service features the traditional Shabbat liturgy, a reading of the complete weekly parasha and a sermon. It is often a platform for lifecycle celebrations such as b’nei mitzvah, upcoming weddings and other special occasions. We join together afterwards for a delicious kiddush lunch.
Shabbat Mincha
Saturdays, time varies
This service includes the full Shabbat Mincha liturgy, including the beginning of the new parasha. Then, one of our clergy teaches an in-depth shiur on a topic from the new parasha. We conclude with Ma’ariv (evening service) and Havdalah to usher out Shabbat and begin the new week. Consult the website or Review for the exact time, which changes based on the time of sunset-in the winter it can be as early as 4:15pm, and in summer can be as late as 8:15pm.
WJC is proud to offer our array of Contemporary services to inspire you with the beauty, meaning and relevance of Jewish spiritual traditions. These services feature contemporary instrumental music and forms of prayer, are user-friendly and are especially focused on personal meaning and spirituality. We invite you to experience your life’s journey as it dialogues with ancient and modern Jewish ideas, to the tune of moving music and inspiring community.
Rhythm & Ruach:
Select Fridays, 7:30pm
Make WJC your home on Friday night. Join us for an hour-long service to welcome Shabbat, reflect on the week, and connect with God and with each other. Learn new melodies and sing your old favorites, accompanied by our volunteer music ensemble. There is usually a community Shabbat dinner before the service and a special event and dessert (guest speaker, special dessert, art gallery or library event) afterwards.
Shabbat Yoga
Select Saturdays, 10:00-11:30am
Join us for an alternative experience of Shabbat morning prayer and Torah study. Connect meaningfully to the spiritually restorative essence of Shabbat through gentle yoga, breathing, Jewish mediation, text study and music. Afterwards, we will join the entire congregation for Kiddush. Bring your own yoga mat and wear comfortable yoga clothes (yes, even to kiddush!). For adults and teens, no prior yoga or meditation experience necessary.
Simple & Soulful
Select Saturdays, 10:15am
Let your spirit soar as we journey through an abbreviated Shabbat morning service. This 90-minuteservice includes group prayer and singing accompanied by instruments, silence for personal reflection and an interactive exploration and interpretation of the week’s Torah portion. Frequent comments and questions encourage us to reflect on ourselves and find personal meaning in age-old prayers. We especially welcome those with children in the 3rd grade and older to attend as a family. Join the rest of the WJC community for a concluding activity together, Kiddush and time to schmooze
Renewal Service
Select Sundays, 7:00pm
Enjoy and experience the power of great music, communal singing and soulful praying as Ellen Kazis-Walker, Seth Schafler and Randy Heller lead us in a music-filled hour. Special guests join in the music and reflect on their own spiritual journeys. Stay afterwards for dessert and a chance to visit with friends.
To learn more about our contemporary services as they are scheduled, please visit our upcoming Featured Events page.