“Resistance: They Fought Back” – a Film Screening and Conversation with Director Paula S. Apsell

November 10, 2024, 3:00 pm

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To commemorate Kristallnacht, we will screen the recent award-winning documentary, “Resistance: They Fought Back” – and then meet its director.

The film depicts the largely unknown story of widespread Jewish resistance and courage during the Holocaust, providing a needed corrective to the myth of Jewish passivity. Based on extensive research and conversations with historians, survivors and their families, it was filmed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Israel and the US. The film depicts heroism in the face of the worst barbarity: ghetto uprisings, rebellions in death camps, partisans fighting the Nazis in forests, and countless acts of nonviolent resistance.

A Q&A with acclaimed director Paula S. Apsell will follow along with a light buffet dinner.

The film is appropriate for teens and we invite teens along with their parents to join us.

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