Third Clergy Search Committee: Candidate Visits

On Monday and Tuesday, February 10 and 11, the Search Committee interviewed ten candidates for our third clergy position at the Jewish Theological Seminary.  More candidates chose to meet with us than for any other of the many synagogues that participated in Interview Week at the Seminary.  The Committee also interviewed three other candidates who applied for the position outside of the Interview Week process. The Search Committee is delighted to announce that each one of the four outstanding candidates we have invited to visit WJC for weekend visits has each agreed to do so.  The following are the candidates and the weekends they will attend:
                    Jessica Fisher: Feb 28-March 1
                    Cornelia Dalton: March 6-8
                    Deena Cowans: March 13-15
                    Sam Blustin: March 20-22
A detailed schedule for each weekend will be announced soon and will include events on Friday night, Saturday morning and (early) afternoon, and Sunday morning.  Please make every effort to attend as many of the events as you can.  This has been and will continue to be, an exciting process.
Marty Marcus and Mia Mandel
Co-Chairs, Third Clergy Search Committee

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