Virtual Community Services for Week of April 6

WJC Evening Community Time
Tuesday at 7:00pm

There was such an overwhelming appreciation for being together Friday and Saturday evenings that we are adding a regular evening gathering. It’s a 15-20-minute opportunity to be together with our community and clergy for a song, prayer, story or meditation. Appropriate for all ages.
Join us:


Passover Seder Open Hotline 
Wednesday from 12:00 to 3:00pm

Drop in to ask any last-minute questions you might have or just to wish your clergy a Chag Sameach (Happy Passover)! 
Join us:


Saturday at 8:30pm

Join us as we say goodbye to the quiet of Shabbat and reconnect after the “three day Yom Tov” with the beautiful symbols and music of havdalah! 
Join us:


Hol HaMoed Passover
Sunday morning to Tuesday morning

Join our regular morning minyan at 8:00am:
Community Meeting with Kaddish at 7:00pm:


Yizkor and a Taste of Second Yom Tov 
Tuesday, April 14 at 6:00pm

Join us:

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