Today is February 12, 2025 /
WJC’s Adult Education Community seeks to deepen an understanding of Jewish history, culture and literacy through rich and varied programming. In addition to discussion and educational opportunities throughout the year, the Adult Education Committee coordinates the annual Scholar-in-Residence weekend.
Chair: Kimberly Langus
The Green Committee ensures we are good stewards of the Earth. The group works collaboratively with other synagogue entities to educate the community on how to sustain and respect the environment.
Chair: Linda Alpert
The Israel Affairs Committee is dedicated to engaging congregants about Eretz Yisrael through cultural, educational and social opportunities. Our programs include ongoing Israeli dance classes, topical speakers, movies, and specific events in celebration of Israel-related holidays.
Chair: Jill Caslin
With a history spanning over a century, WJC boasts a rich legacy. Our Archive Committee preserves all our records and contributes to the publication of cherished memories in WJC's Voices magazine.
Co-Chairs: Cindy Heller, Mindy Feldman
The act of extending a caring hand to those in need of comfort, support, or warm wishes is a vital aspect of our community. Our Bikur Cholim Committee plays a pivotal role in coordinating visits and providing nourishing meals for individuals who are unwell, have recently welcomed a new addition to their family, or are confined to their homes. Meals are also provided for shiva homes.
The B'nei Mitzvah Committee collaborates closely with our clergy to elevate the B'nei Mitzvah journey for our families. This includes actively contributing to the establishment of policies and scheduling dates for B'nei Mitzvot, as well as crafting a comprehensive roadmap to guide families through every phase of their B'nei Mitzvah experience.
Everyone likes a party and our annual spring event is our largest communal celebration, not to mention most notable fundraiser. The Spring Gala Committee is responsibility for orchestrating and supervising this evening that serves both as a celebration of WJC and a tribute to those who have made substantial contributions to our community.
Chair: Karen Abravanel
The Early Childhood Committee serves as a bridge, uniting the lay leadership, staff, and the families of our Early Childhood Center (ECC), with the aim of advocating for the ECC and addressing inquiries and concerns. This committee functions as a welcoming space for parents to engage in constructive dialogue on matters related to the ECC and its integration within the broader WJC community.
Chair: Robert Weisz
The Family Youth Education Council serves as a forum where leaders and representatives from various WJC committees and task forces dedicated to youth–from early childhood to the teenage years–come together to engage in lively interaction and idea exchange. The Council’s mission is to foster a harmonious community environment that caters to the needs and interests of our young members and their families.
Chairs: Amy Fastenberg, Jill Rivel
The Holocaust Learning Center is dedicated to preserving the testimonies of all those whose names are inscribed on the WJC Holocaust Memorial, ensuring that the deeply personal narratives from the Holocaust are forever etched in our collective memory and shared with the generations to come within our community.
Co-Chairs: Marc Karell and Michael Stein
The House Committee oversees the operation of all properties owned by WJC, including its parish houses. This entails the oversight of continuous maintenance, repairs, renovations, service contracts, and the strategic planning of preventive maintenance to ensure the optimal functioning and preservation of our facilities.
Co-Chairs: Howard Zweig, Judy Zweig
The J.O.Y. Club is dedicated to fostering new friendships and rekindling old relationships through educational, cultural and social events and gatherings. While initially founded to cater to those aged 70 and older, the Club extends a warm welcome to all individuals who wish to partake in its enriching offerings.
Chair: Amy Levine-Kennedy
The Koslowe Gallery enriches Jewish education and scholarship through its curated programs and exhibitions, showcasing the creations of both renowned and emerging Jewish artists from around the world. As a valued member of the Council of American Jewish Museums, the Koslowe Gallery places a deliberate emphasis on contemporary, historical, and socially relevant themes through fine art, mixed media, sculpture and photography.
Chair: Kimberly Langus
The Landscaping Committee is responsible for maintaining the beauty of our expansive five-acre property. Our grounds encompass pristine natural green spaces, a network of pathways, several parking areas, fun playgrounds, and tranquil areas, all of which contribute to the overall beauty of our surroundings.
The Library Committee convenes on a regular basis to oversee the operations of The Hendel Family Library. This dedicated committee takes the lead in orchestrating various programs, including guest author presentations. The committee works in close collaboration with all branches of the synagogue to serve as a valuable resource for programs and exhibitions.
Chair: Alison Gottsegen
The Musical Enrichment Committee plays a pivotal role in elevating the significance of music, both vocal and instrumental, across all facets of synagogue life. Collaborating closely with the clergy and other WJC committees, the Musical Enrichment Committee offers valuable insights on how music can heighten the spiritual essence of our prayers and services. The committee endeavors to deepen WJC’s collective understanding and appreciation of Jewish culture through musical expression, while actively engaging the WJC community through diverse events including concerts, workshops, and immersive learning experiences featuring contemporary Jewish musicians.
Director: Aleza Kulp, Education Director and Congregation Program Coordinator
Chair: Louise Cohen
WJC proudly partners with PJ Library on a national level, offering Jewish books and music to families with children aged six months through 8 years old. The PJ Library Committee, comprised of dedicated professionals and lay leaders, coordinates volunteer engagement, securing grants, and special programs. These programs encompass Sunday Morning Story Time and Sing-Along sessions, holiday special events, and after-school programs, all geared towards fostering a love for Jewish culture and literature among our youngest members.
Co-Chairs: Zach Siegel, Gabe Wasserman
Our Religious School is supported by its own dedicated committee, focused on addressing school-related matters, including family programs, budgetary considerations, and the ongoing development of our curriculum. This committee convenes four times throughout the school year during Sunday morning regular school hours. While we strongly encourage active participation from Religious School parents, any and all member of the WJC community are welcome.
Chair: Mark Berger
The Security Committee collaborates closely with local, state, and national security organizations to develop and enact comprehensive security policies. Our utmost priority is to guarantee the safety and security of our members, staff, and guests.
Chair: Tracey Levy
The Spiritual Life Committee convenes on a monthly basis to delve into matters pertaining to the religious life of our community. In close collaboration with our clergy, the committee diligently assesses and offers recommendations on halachic issues as they emerge and influence the life of WJC.
Chair: Sondra Levy
SOJAC is deeply committed to engaging WJC members in social justice initiatives rooted in our Jewish heritage. The Committee offers opportunities for WJC families to carry out mitzvot within our local and neighboring communities. SOJAC actively seeks volunteers who can generously contribute their time and skills to support our local partner organizations. Additionally, SOJAC enthusiastically participates in various interfaith activities. Collectively, these endeavors are aimed at making a positive and lasting impact in our community while steadfastly upholding the core values of social justice.
Co-Chairs: Mia Mandel, Risa Seelenfreund
The Teen Engagement Committee fosters strong connections between teenagers, their parents, WJC, and the broader Westchester teen community. The Committee’s primary goal is to cultivate and fortify relationships among young community members, offering them interactive social and educational opportunities that deepen their comprehension of and reverence for their Jewish heritage.
Co-Chairs: Jennifer Winters, Rosie Smith
WJC's Welcoming Committee extends a heartfelt greeting to new members, facilitating their integration into our community by forging connections with both current synagogue members and the WJC clergy.
Westchester Jewish Center welcomes your contribution to any of our listed funds.