Build “Blizzard Boxes”

January 16, 2023, 10:00 am

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Want to engage in a service project on Martin Luther King Day? We are partnering with the JCC Mid-Westchester and other local organizations to build and decorate “Blizzard Boxes” (non-perishable meals) for families in need during the cold, winter months. The project is appropriate for all ages.

Two sessions are available on January 16: 10:00-11:30am and 1:00-2:30pm. Each session can accommodate 50 volunteers. The program will be held at the JCC Mid-Westchester.

Please register in advance to avoid being closed out. You may register by sending an email to with the session you’d like to attend (am or pm) and the number of participants, or you may register directly with the JCC at

For questions please contact Sarah Rosenwasser at or Risa Seelenfreund at

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