December 8, 2019, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Westchester Jewish Center
175 Rockland Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York 10543
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The entire WJC community is invited to participate in—and celebrate—this special occasion. In addition to the Installation itself, the morning will include the conclusion of this fall’s congregation-wide effort to accomplish 613 New Mitzvot and a celebratory lunch.
Installation Program:
The program will begin promptly at 10:30. All other times are approximate.
10:30am: Program begins (Sanctuary)
11:00am: Installation Ritual (Sanctuary)
11:20am: Blessings (Sanctuary)
11:45am: Mitzvah Project/Remarks by Rabbi Arnowitz (Sanctuary)
12:30pm: Lunch, Dancing, Celebration (Gym and Activity Center)
To RSVP: or 914-698-2960
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