April 5, 2022, 7:45 pm
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Art by Tobi Kahn, YPKHAR, acrylic on wood
Please join us for a gallery program to virtually meet the artists and discuss our newly curated exhibition “Mayim Chaiyim: A Watershed” on Tuesday, April 5, at 7:45pm. Our waters hold an important place in the teachings of Judaism. Many artists have been responding to climate change with a mix of works that reflect their awareness of the Jewish ideals of Tikkun Olam and renewal. In multimedia, the artists explore their concerns for the waters, riverbeds, and coastlines of an increasingly fragile Earth.
The show explores the connection between the role our living waters play in Judaism and how those teachings can be a guide for us in unstable times. The fragility of our living waters is on the minds of many artists in today’s climate-aware world, and Jewish artists have been earnest in their response. Jewish teaching and the role of water in renewal and repair pervades this exhibition. Each artist has been exploring different aspects of modern neglect on our waterways and each piece suggests the centrality of awareness, Tikkun Olam (repair), and renewal.
Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85929866107?pwd=bVRScmIwdDhGRWJiOE1ibFViQmsyQT09
Meeting ID: 859 2986 6107 • Passcode: 10543
RSVP: amyruth67@aol.com