Repairing the World with SOJAC and the World Jewry Committee

August 22, 2021 - September 30, 2021, All Day

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The notion of Tikkun Olam fixing a broken world is one that certainly resonates with many Jews.

This year, SOJAC and the World Jewry Committee are thrilled to offer our community ways to share with those less fortunate than we are: one feeds the hungry, and the other welcomes the stranger.

  • First, we are continuing our “Bring Your Breakfast” project and ask that you donate boxes of cereal and shelf-stable milk to help fight against food insecurity spreading through our community. Through these donations, we support the work of Hope Community Services in New Rochelle, where 500 households are provided with 600-1000 pantry bags each week.
  • Secondly, as we spend time with our families during the High Holidays, we need to think about children separated from theirs. Children’s Village Unidos por un Sueno (United for a Dream) is a residential school in Dobbs Ferry that provides family reunification and short-term shelter for children who have come to the U.S. without a guardian. These children need new TRAVEL- SIZED toothbrushes, toothpaste, brushes, combs, deodorant, lotion, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner.

Please bring your food or toiletry donations to WJC any time during September. Bins will be located inside the coatroom and outside the main office. During the High Holidays, bins will be outside the sanctuary and tents.

Making a difference in someone else’s life will make a difference in your own life. What a great way to start the New Year!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at,, or

Thank you from SOJAC and the World Jewry Committee.

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