October 4, 2022, 6:00 pm
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This service will take place in the main Sanctuary and will be led by our clergy as well as some lay leaders. We will conduct the services as presented in our Mahzor Lev Shalem. The Sanctuary Service will begin with P’sukei D’zimra and Shacharit and continue through Musaf. One of our rabbis will deliver the sermon in this service each day.
On Yom Kippur this service will include Kol Nidre on Tuesday, October 4, at 6:00pm; the Yizkor Memorial Service on the morning of the 5th; and the Ne’ilah service at 5:45pm. Mincha on Yom Kippur (October 5) will only take place at the sanctuary service and will be at 4:45pm. Ne’ilah will also be a single service in the sanctuary as we unite as a community, COVID permitting.