October 13, 2021, 7:30 pm
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Brought to you by the WJC Sisterhood and Hendel Library
Join us on Zoom, from the comfort of your home, to speak with author and NY Times writer Courtney Zoffness on her memoir, Spilt Milk, where she evaluated the role a mother plays in raising her children. Zoffness considers what we inherit from generations past—biologically, culturally, spiritually—and what we pass on to our children. Spilt Milk is an intimate, bracing, and beautiful exploration of vulnerability and culpability. How do the stories we tell inform who we become? These powerful, dynamic essays herald a vital new voice. Please RSVP to Thewjcsisterhood@gmail.com.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86274041868?pwd=dGNqZ21DQzVVVEU0ZkR4ZTUyb0wzdz09
Meeting ID: 862 7404 1868
Passcode: 10543