January 11, 2022, 6:30 pm
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**UPDATE: This event will now be hosted virtually.
WJC Teens & Friends are invited to join us on Zoom for “What is Jewish Music?” Tuesday, January 11, at 6:30pm.
Together we will explore the question of what “counts” as Jewish music. Is anything written by a Jew “Jewish Music?” Could a non-Jewish songwriter write a Jewish song? Do certain melodies sound “more Jewish” than others? We will listen to many different songs and try to build together our own definition.
Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82755856313?pwd=Tjh5c0EyYVFTZFYzOEw2YVdOMnltdz09
Meeting ID: 827 5585 6313 • Passcode: WJCTeens1!