January 22, 2022, 7:30 pm
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Join Bill Natbony, the WJC Trivia Master of Ceremonies, for a fun evening for families to test their general trivia knowledge through a fun, team-oriented competition. There will be questions of all ability on a variety of subjects (with some Jewish trivia thrown in), including some questions geared towards younger family members.
Participating is easy! All you need is a Zoom screen, pen, and paper to participate. (Bring some snacks or enjoy dinner; it’s okay to eat while playing.) No need to RSVP in advance and no prior experience required.
Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82666093412?pwd=N09JRmxrV0l5c3hZQ1lRNWdsSmZyZz09
Meeting ID: 826 6609 3412 • Passcode: 10543
How it works:
Participants via Zoom will be randomly divided into teams for the trivia contest and Zoom break-out rooms will be set up to allow the teammates to meet each other and discuss answers to the questions. Multiple family members/friends can participate on the same Zoom screen. The random assignment of Zoom screens to teams will encourage you to get to know other synagogue members you may not have met. All participants will hear the questions, answers, and standings together and will enter the break-out rooms to discuss their team’s proposed answers to be submitted.