February 12, 2023, 9:00 am
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9:00am-10:00am: Morning service in the sanctuary with extra tefillin to wear and folks available to help instruct. All students and parents are encouraged to have an experience with this unique Jewish ritual!
10:00am-11:00am: Join us for a magnificent brunch and presentations by:
Tami Arnowitz and Evan Levy: Our Tefillin Journey
Hear from two people who didn’t necessarily grow up wearing tefillin as they tell their tale of how the mitzvah of tefillin became important to them. These aren’t only stories about tefillin; they are about connecting to community, Torah, and God in a way that could be accessible to anyone.
Rabbi Dan Wigodsky: Meet the Sofer
Meet Rabbi Dan Wigodsky, a Sofer Stam (trained scribe for the writing of Torah scrolls, tefillin scrolls, and mezuzot). Learn about his journey from Conservative Rabbi to Jewish scribe, as well as about the traditional Jewish scribal arts You’ll have the opportunity to ask your questions about these most sacred Jewish objects, how they are made, and why it matters.