7:00am: Minyan
7:30am: Siyyum Bechorot
8:30am: Chametz Roast and Marshmallow Toast
Bring your gathered leftovers to WJC and we will burn our chametz together in the parking lot (main entrance downstairs). We will supply the marshmallows and eat as we watch our chametz burn!
10:48am: Last Chametz Eaten
11:53am: Burn Chametz By
7:05pm: Candle Lighting
9:15am: Morning Services
11:00am: Youth Service
11:00am: Torah for Tots
No evening service
8:08pm: Candle Lighting
9:15am: Morning Services
11:00am: Youth Service
11:00am: Torah for Tots
7:00pm: Evening Services
8:30am: Torah Talk with Rabbi Arnowitz
9:15am: Morning Services
11:00am: Youth Service
11:00am: Torah for Tots
7:00pm: Congregational Mincha
8:30am: Minyan
7:30pm: Minyan
6:45am: Minyan
7:30pm: Minyan
6:45am: Minyan
7:15pm: Evening Services
9:15am: Morning Services
11:00am: Youth Service
11:00am: Torah for Tots
7:15pm: Evening Services
7:00am: Early Morning Services with Yizkor
9:15am: Morning Services
(Yizkor not before 10:30am)
11:00am: Youth Service
11:00am: Torah for Tots
7:15pm: Evening Services
8:15pm: Havdalah and eat new Chametz
8:45pm: Chametz sold through Rabbi Arnowitz reverts to your possession