It was 1993 when I stood on the WJC Bimah for my Bat Mitzvah. At the time, I explored my Torah portion’s census creation of only counting males older than twenty to 1993 being “The Year of the Woman.” Now, 26 years later, I am proud to lead WJC’s Sisterhood, the very year my daughter will become Bat Mitzvah, reading the very same portion.
In 2006, with the encouragement of Rabbi Segelman, I received my masters at The Jewish Theological Seminary. There, I reveled in studying the Shabbat Blessing Ashet Chayil, a Woman of Valor. We examined the ways in which a seemingly gendered poem sung by a husband to his wife each Shabbat, could actually serve as a banner of feminism and equality.
My hope for Sisterhood is to bring all women of WJC together, in solidarity and community. Whether through communal social action, learning, praying, socializing or dancing, I hope there will be something that suits, enriches, emboldens you to grow and learn all the valuable aspects of becoming Women of Valor, so that today, we too shall count.
Friday, October 11 – Sisterhood Sukkah Decorating and Breakfast
Thursday, October 24 – A Circle of Dance, Sisterhood Kick-Off Event
Sunday, October 27 – Sisterhood Gift Shop Trunk Show and B’nai Mitzvah Fashion Show
Sunday, November 24 – Project Ezra Luncheon Set Up Serve and socialize at a WJC luncheon for low income elderly
Thursday, December 5 – Jewish Yoga with Robin Wald Hanukkah themed; for beginners as well as experienced yoga practitioners
Thursday, March 19 – Jewish Yoga with Robin Wald Themed for Passover; for beginners as well as experienced yoga practitioners
Thursday, April 23 – Earth Day for our Bodies An evening of Self-Care at the home of Marisa De Sa, with massage, makeup and mindfulness