By Rabbi Arnowitz
There are few synagogue experiences as empowering and meaningful as leading a prayer or reading from the Torah in the main sanctuary. Now, those experiences are available to our WJC youth!
Would your younger child like to learn to lead a prayer like Ashrei or Anim Zemirot in the sanctuary on Shabbat morning? Would your 5th or 6th grader like to learn to read Torah on Shabbat (a pre-bar or bat mitzvah can read the maftir portion)? If the answer is yes, let us know!
The Kids Tefillah Club (KTC) at WJC will kick off this coming month! We are inviting WJC youth (pre-B’nei-Mitzvah age) to learn various parts of our Shabbat morning service with our clergy and Aleza, and lead the congregation in the sanctuary on a designated Shabbat. Youth who participate will be recognized for their efforts.
For more information, contact Aleza Kulp at 914-698-2966 or