Contribute to the Scrapbook for Rabbi Segelman
Dear WJC Members:
Have you ever had the experience of an old friend reminding you of a meaningful conversation that you had long forgotten?
Or received a letter you had sent to someone many years ago, or an old photo of the two of you together, which the recipient thought important enough to save and now sent back to you? What a treat to receive that letter or photo – as if a lost part of yourself had been returned!
Just such a gift is being created for Rabbi Segelman as a memento of his 32 years at WJC. It will be a book of concrete remembrances for him, Marla and the Segelman family to enjoy once he leaves us and has the time to enjoy and reflect on the impact he has had on our lives. But we need your input for this to be the special gift we are hoping it will be.
Here are some examples of what we are looking for:
- A Segelman story or two to share, typed or handwritten legibly.
- An anecdote from past years, a remembrance, a joke or a note you have been meaning to write to him because you have something you’d like to say.
- Better yet, a letter or note that Rabbi Segelman may have sent to you!
- Articles, photos, cartoons, anything that expresses something that you would like Rabbi Segelman to have that expresses the impact he has had on you or your family, his words or presences that meant something to you that he may not even be aware of.
This Book of Remembrances will be present to Rabbi Segelman at the WJC Spring Gala honoring Rabbi Segelman and his family on May 17. To that end the DEADLINE for receiving all material is no later than MONDAY, November 25.
Materials for this project can be left in the marked box in the office. If you mail something to the WJC office, write SCRAPBOOK on the envelope.
Please make copies or scan documents for your own personal use as nothing will be returned; originals will all be in the book.
Sharing your thoughts and memories will not only be a cherished gift for Rabbi Segelman, but will actually give us some closure to his leaving, knowing that he will be taking with him our sentiments bound is a volume in concrete form.
Goodbyes are hard. We are not waiting for the week before Rabbi Segelman leaves. We are asking those who want to participate to please look through your files and drawers and/or take the time to write what you wish…RIGHT NOW…as this endeavor will take time to create.
Please address any inquiries to Ruth Obernbreit Glass ( or Susan Lewen ( Note that although emailing communications may be easiest, original words on your stationery and having an original signature will be more scrapbook worthy than printouts of emails.
Many thanks to Ruth and Susan for spearheading this important project and to all of you for participating.
Seth Schafler
WJC President