Gear Up for WJC’s Youth Events
Another great year is in store for our youth at WJC! I look forward to another thrilling year filled with exciting programs and activities. Here are a few highlights on this year’s events:
- Wednesday, September 26th: We kick off the year with our annual “Pizza in the Hut” Sukkah celebration. I encourage children in Kindergarten to 6th grade to join us for this fun event! LEARN MORE
- Sunday, October 28th: We welcome back The Bible Players. LEARN MORE | PURCHASE TICKETS
- We have many events planned for this year including our “Saturday Nights at WJC” hosted in November and February.
- And we will rock climb together! LEARN MORE | PURCHASE TICKETS
All youth programs are open to all WJC children. Look for our youth announcements in the WJC Sunday email blasts and feel free to call the WJC office if you have any questions!