Help Our Dear Friend Florence
Dear Fellow Congregants,
Most of you are aware that Florence Greto, who has been a valued and devoted member of the WJC staff and family for well over thirty years, is ill and cannot work. This poses a financial hardship for Florence and her family. We all want to help her and many of you have reached out to me or other SOJAC members to find out what she needs and the best way to provide that help.
After consulting with Rabbi Segelman, we decided that collecting money in a dedicated fund is the best, most efficient, and respectful way to provide assistance with rent and some medical expenses. We ask that you make a check out to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund, noting “Florence” in the memo. In this way, these funds will only be used to help Florence.
Please know that WJC is helping Florence now, and wants to be able to continue to do so. Your check will assure that it does.
In addition, many of you have also asked about sending cards and messages to Florence. It is a wonderful idea. Please bring or send your cards to WJC, attention SOJAC. We can then collect them and deliver them to her.
Sharon Silver
Co-Chair, SOJAC
Social Justice Action Committee