Dear WJC Family:
With the High Holidays right around the corner and the COVID situation still in flux, we have decided to change to our safety protocols with respect to attendance at indoor services in the following respect:
In light of the current COVID environment, we are now requesting that any eligible, unvaccinated persons (that is, over the age of twelve who are eligible for vaccination) not attend indoor High Holiday services but instead join us on live stream. Although we will not require presentation of proof of vaccination at the entrance, we reserve the right to ask for proof, so please bring your vaccination cards or other non-electronic evidence of vaccination with you. And, of course, if you are not feeling well, or have recently been exposed to someone with COVID or COVID symptoms, please do not come—regardless of vaccination status.
This change does not affect any of our outdoor services. However, those services are oversubscribed and cannot accommodate any additional attendees at this time.
Importantly, we are not changing our policy of allowing families to sit with their unvaccinated, under twelve children in prearranged pods indoors. We opted to allow families to sit together in their family pods on the High Holidays whether indoors or outdoors with the safety measures we put in place. These safety measures—seating groups in carefully constructed pods which are distanced from other pods, universal masking (except when presenting from the podium), restriction of honors to reduce circulation, directing shofar-blowing toward the outdoors and other measures—are in compliance with CDC and COVID Task Force guidance. Family, youth and teen services are being held outdoors as well, so most unvaccinated children will be outdoors most of the time. However, there will be some unvaccinated children who will be seated indoors with their families. If that affects your willingness to attend indoor services we understand. These are difficult decisions and we all need to consider the risks of attendance. We ask for your understanding as we grapple with these issues and changing environment as best we can.
All WJC clergy, teaching staff, custodians, and security personnel are fully vaccinated.
We look forward to davening with you in whatever way you feel comfortable and wish you and your families a healthy and sweet New Year.