Observing the High Holidays at home may seem daunting, but we’re trying to make it easier. You’ll have the High Holidays in the bag… Quite literally!
We’ve prepared specially curated “High Holidays Experience Bags” for every WJC member. Congregants can come to the WJC office beginning the week of September 7 and pick up High Holidays essentials. Congregational bags include the required number of machzorim as requested by the household and WJC kippot. Religious School families should pick up their special bags during the Teacher Meet and Greet on the morning of Sunday, September 13. Early Childhood families may pick up their bag in the WJC office beginning on Monday, September 14. Bags for families feature activities that will keep our youngest members engaged during the holiday season. These family bags include: a WJC Kippah, a children’s shofar, a family service booklet, and various games and activities that’ll encourage families to share their values and goals for the coming year. These activities supplement the online activities and videos that will be accessible soon.
If you cannot pick up your bag prior to Rosh HaShanah, please contact Kim in the synagogue office at 914-698-2960 to make other accommodations.