Please help feed our neighbors who are hungry in Westchester County. Donate food or funds to support those who need it the most.
Please be sure to indicate your Westchester Jewish Center in the comments field
Please donate NON-PERISHABLE items only. No glass containers, pre-opened or items past date.
Brown or White Rice
Whole Grain Pasta
Shelf Stable Milk
Canned Meat / Fish
Canned Vegetables
Peanut Butter
Canned or Dried Beans
Whole Grain Cereal
Canned or Dried Fruit
Canned Meals
Low Sodium
No Salt Added
No Sugar Added
Reduced Sodium
100% Fruit Juice
Congregants can bring food when they pick up their Mahzors, come for the Religious School or ECC intro,or any time they would like to come to the synagogue from now until mid-October.