Today is July 27, 2024 /

Instilling a Love for Israel


Recently I asked the teachers in our Religious School, “How can we instill the value of Ahavat Tziyon, love for Israel, to our students throughout this school year?”

We have already planned on a year filled with electives about Israel. We will build Jerusalem out of LEGO, learn about the life of Marc Chagall, and explore different cities in Israel. Rabbi Segelman will also be teaching the older students about life in 1948 in Israel. Ofir, this year’s Shinshin, is teaching the children every Wednesday afternoon. But, is that enough?

In all honesty, I wish I could put all 157 students in our school with their families on an airplane to Israel, but that is not realistic. I can teach children about Israeli history, art, and culture. But, how could we, as educators, get families to really understand that feeling of Ahavat Tziyon?

I decided the best way for this to happen is for parents to hear from others in our congregation who recently traveled to Israel. I went to WJC families who visited Israel this past summer and asked them to share their stories and pictures. Beginning this month and throughout the year, different families will be highlighted in The Review. I hope that from this, WJC families can begin planning their next vacation to Israel.

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