“Your Seder in 2021” with Rabbi Arnowitz and Cantor Goldberg
Thursday, March 18, at 7:30pm
Rabbi Arnowitz will take our normal “Saturday Morning Torah” slot to share deeper meanings of different parts of the seder that will resonate particularly with our experiences of the past year—a special learning in preparation for Passover. Cantor Goldberg will also join us!
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/907858576
Passover PJ Story Time
Sunday, March 21, at 11:00am
It is almost Passover! Join WJC PJ Library Story Teller, Eileen Fortuna, for our PJ Library and Sing-Along. All children and their grownups are welcome to join us for stories, music, and movement. LEARN MORE
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84107149347?pwd=QVVPODRxbXlDWnBaWFc1K0x0UGE1dz09
Meeting ID: 841 0714 9347 • Passcode: 10543
Sunday, March 21, 3:00pm
The pandemic has made each of us feel marginalized and isolated in a variety of ways. Feed your soul with us on Sunday, March 21 from 3:00-5:00pm, as we commemorate the Israelites’ journey from slavery to freedom, and in the same moment free ourselves from isolation, and be acknowledged and heard in our connection to each other, to our community and to the Jewish people. All WJC friends and family are welcome!
Suggested donation: $36 per family REGISTER HERE
Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82009945396?pwd=MTBaSSt5RVVuTXZ5S1QyaWJrWFZiUT09
Meeting ID: 820 0994 5396 • Passcode: 10543
PJ Model Seder for Children and a Grownup
Monday, March 22 at 4:00pm
WJC PJ Library is thrilled to be partnering with JKids Radio Musical Passover Seder! During this highly-interactive seder experience, we will sing traditional and contemporary songs, tell the Passover story, and explore the foods on the seder plate, the blessings, the questions, and the highlights of the Exodus – from slavery to freedom.Featuring many top artists in Jewish kids’ music including Nefesh Mountain, Rabbi Josh Warshawsky, Eliana Light, Rick Recht, Elana Jagoda and more! LEARN MORE
Bedikat Hametz Scavenger Hunt (Teen event)
Tuesday, March 23, 7:00pm
Join WJC Teens for a scavenger hunt – find the hametz before Passover comes! This activity will be inside at WJC, masked & socially-distanced.
Hametz Roast and Marshmallow Toast! Eat Marshmallows and Do a Mitzvah
Friday, March 26 at 9:30am
WJC Parking Lot
The Torah informs us that hametz (leavened products) should not be eaten, seen, or even located in one’s house during the festival of Passover. Therefore, people go to great lengths and often create games to search the nooks and crannies to remove yeast products from their homes and burn them the morning before the holiday begins. This symbolizes cleaning out our minds and hearts, removing negative forces for renewal.
This year, as we prepare a little early, bring your gathered leftovers to WJC and we will burn our hametz together in the parking lot. We will supply the marshmallows to toast and eat as we watch our hametz burn!
To join us in-person, please see the note about sign ups below. If you would like to join us virtually, the links are all included with the event. Questions? Please contact Rosie.
Friday Morning Minyan and Siyyum with JTS
Register here: https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/civicrm/event/register?id=1331&reset=1
Pesach First Day morning service
Sunday, March 28, at 9:15am
Join us: https://www.wjcenter.org/wjclive/
In-Person Youth Services
Sunday, March 28, at 10:45am
Sign up now: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0845ABA72FA7F49-youth4
Pesach Second Day morning service
Monday, March 29, at 9:15am
Join us: https://www.wjcenter.org/wjclive/
In-Person Youth Services
Monday, March 29, at 10:45am
Sign up now: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0845ABA72FA7F49-youth8
Monday, March 29, at 8:00pm
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/335351155
Hol HaMoed Passover
Tuesday morning to Friday morning at 7:30am
Join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/725228994?pwd=Y3NxSWp5VnFhaXVwNHhHN0M3cFh0QT09
If prompted for a password please enter: 955696.
Hol HaMoed Passover
Tuesday evening to Friday evening at 7:00pm
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/445906724
Shabbat & Pesach Seventh Day morning service
Saturday, April 3, at 9:15am
Join us: https://www.wjcenter.org/wjclive/
In-Person Youth Services
Saturday, April 3, at 10:45am
Sign up now: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0845ABA72FA7F49-youth5
Pesach Eighth Day morning service
Sunday, April 4, at 9:15am
Join us: https://www.wjcenter.org/wjclive/
In-Person Youth Services
Sunday, April 4, at 10:45am
Sign up now: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0845ABA72FA7F49-youth6
Monday, April 4, at 8:05pm
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/335351155
To sign up in advance to attend services in person, email date and type of service to Rosie. You will then be sent an email with WJC’s health safety protocols. Please reply promptly.