Today is July 27, 2024 /

Proposed Officers/Trustees Slate 2022-2023

Dear WJC Members:

We are pleased to submit the following slate in advance of the congregational elections on April 25, 2022.

Proposed Officers 2022-2023
President Larry Thaler
Executive Vice President Yale Zoland
Financial Vice President Ian Winters
Treasurer Michael Lapides
Assistant Treasurer Laura Grill
Financial Secretary Jeffrey Taffet
Assistant Financial Secretary Susan Miller
Officer for Administration Harold Treiber
Officer for Children and Families Nancy Sherman
Officer for Programming and Communications Evan Schapiro
Officer for Development Robin Nazarzadeh
Officer for Spiritual Life and Enrichment Susan Miller
Officer for the Synagogue Arms Mark Berger
Officer for Facilities and Environment Andre Kaplan
Officer for Membership and Inclusion Amy Levine-Kennedy
Officer for Tikkun Olam and Recording Secretary Eve Edelman Russ
Assistant Recording Secretary Jonathan Berg
Chair of the Board Seth Schafler

Proposed Trustees for New Term of Three Years 2022-2025
Isabelle Arditi
Heather Klein
Jerome Fortinsky
Michael Koffler
Kenneth Glasser
Erica Strongin
Naphtali Joseph
Robert Weisz

Proposed Trustees for Renewed Term of Three Years 2022-2025
Jonathan Berg
Joanna Liebman
Andre Kaplan
Ilana Moskowitz
Glenna Lee
Beth Rudich

Proposed Trustees for Renewed Term of One Year 2022-2023
Susan Miller
Jeffrey Taffet
Larry Thaler
Yale Zoland
Harold Treiber
Mark Berger
Michael Lapides
Robin Nazarzadeh
Amy Levine-Kennedy
Evan Schapiro
Nancy Sherman

We would like to thank Seth Schafler for his devoted leadership as president of our congregation for the past three years. He will assume the Chair of the Board position from the dedicated leadership of Randy Heller.

In further recognition of the commitment that Seth Schafler has exemplified through his previous roles on the board and tireless work for our community, we are also pleased to nominate him to become an honorary trustee.

We would like to thank Ilene Bellovin, Amy Fastenberg, Lawrence Iason, Cheryl Natbony, Dina Nelson, and Rob Weisstuch for their service to the congregation through serving two full terms as trustees. In accordance with our bylaws, they are ineligible to stand for an additional term.

We would like to thank Alynn Perl for her efforts while serving as Assistant Recording Secretary. She has decided not to continue in this position, but we are pleased that she will remain a trustee.

We would also like to thank Richard Krasner, who served as a trustee of our synagogue and has decided not to continue in this role for the upcoming term.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Nominating Committee,
Howard Moskowitz, Chair
Ali Abrahms
Daniel de Sa’
Cathy Dobkins
Cheryl Natbony
Sam Porat
Andrea Stoltz

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