Purimshpiel 2021: Event Details & Virtual Links

Connecting in Costume
Thursday, February 25, at 6:00pm
For children of all ages. Join us for an outdoor costume parade at WJC—social distancing may make this the longest parade ever—songs, and to pick up your Mishoach Manot bags.

Virtual Megillah Reading
Thursday, February 25, at 7:00pm (Following the evening service)
This year our evening megillah reading will be virtual on Zoom featuring a lot of silly hats and some juicy video highlights between chapters—we will be visited by the ghosts of Purim Schpiels past!
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/445906724

Friday, February 26, at 8:15am (Following regular morning minyan at 7:30am)
Join us indoors at WJC with proper social distancing observed or virtually. Please RSVP if you are joining us in-person: rosie@wjcenter.org
Join us virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/725228994?pwd=Y3NxSWp5VnFhaXVwNHhHN0M3cFh0QT09
If prompted for a password please enter: 955696.

Virtual Instagram Parade
On February 25-26, WJC will host its first virtual Purim costume ‘parade’ on our Instagram page! To participate, simply snap a photo of your family in their Purim costumes, post the photo to Instagram, and tag @westchesterjewishcenter. We’ll be posting all of the images to our account to create a virtual “parade” of our community’s costumes! Make sure to check out all of our Purim events below!

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