“While I am quite sure that this is the right decision both for my family and for the shul, it is still a very difficult one. My service to this synagogue for more than 30 years has been the greatest honor, and no Rabbi has enjoyed more respect and affection than you have shown me.”
—Rabbi Segelman’s email announcement of his retirement
Ben Zoma says: Who is honored? The one who gives honor to others… (Talmud – Avot 4:1)
One way to understand Ben Zoma’s teaching is this—honor is due to each and every human being, not because of the greatness of their achievements, but simply because they are home to a soul that is inherently holy. Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, one of the founders of the Mussar (Spiritual Development) movement, explains that one should honor all people simply because they are the handiwork of God.
For more than thirty years, Rabbi Jeffrey Segelman has perfected the art of honoring others. Sunday, May 17, our synagogue will return the favor, as we honor Rabbi Segelman and Marla Segelman at Westchester Jewish Center’s Spring Gala.
Bobby Cohen, one of the Gala Co-Chairs, along with Jennifer Winters and Jenny Cook, summed things up perfectly: “We are thrilled to be chairing what is going to be an extraordinary moment for WJC. The Gala will be an opportunity for multiple generations to honor Rabbi Segelman and Marla as we collectively look forward to a bright new chapter for WJC.”
More details about the 2020 Spring Gala, including RSVP information, will be forthcoming. We look forward to having the WJC community celebrate Rabbi and Marla!