Dear WJC Members:
As you all know by now, Rabbi Segelman has announced his intention to retire as Senior Rabbi in the Summer/Fall of 2020. I wanted to update the community on the steps we have taken and will be taking in the search process this summer and fall.
To begin with, I have created a Task Force led by Sarene Shanus, Susie Miller, and Ilana Moskowitz to organize a series of open community conversations that will allow our congregants an opportunity to provide their thoughts on the qualities we should be looking for in a new Senior Rabbi. These conversations will be held on July 9th, 16th, and 30th, as was publicized this week. Please try to attend one or more of these meetings and let your voice be heard. To attend, please register at I want to thank the Task Force for performing this very important role.
In addition, we are in the process of forming a search committee to discuss logistics, planning, and preparations for commencement of the search right after the High Holidays. We will provide a further update once the search committee is formed.
Although no one can replace our esteemed spiritual leader Rabbi Segelman, the search for a new Senior Rabbi presents an exciting opportunity to take stock of where we are as a congregation and find the right spiritual leader to take us forward into the future. Your input in this process could not be more important, and I thank you in advance for your continued support.
Jeffrey Lavine