8:03pm: Shabbat Candlelighting
7:15pm: Kabbalat Shabbat service
led by Rabbi Segelman, Rabbi Yolkut and Cantor Goldberg
Please join us in the Chapel for a lay-led morning of summer davening and learning.
9:30am-12pm: Shabbat Services
Mark Berger
Torah Leyning
Dina Nelson
Eddie Reich
Rachel Kaminer
Cantor Ethan Goldberg
D’var Torah
Marty Marcus: Is Trying but Failing to Sin a Sin?
Comparing the Law of Attempt Under Talmudic and NY Law
Cantor Ethan Goldberg
A Spiritual Adon Olam
Gail Marcus
Shabbat Ends, Tisha B’Av Begins
Please join us in the Chapel for a soulful and meaningful Tisha B’Av service.
It is a day of mourning to commemorate the destruction of both Temples and the anniversary of other tragedies that Jews have faced.
7:30pm: Shabbat Mincha (Afternoon) Service
7:50pm: Seudat Mafseket and Learning
We share the simple meal that we eat to prepare for the Fast.
Rabbi Segelman will say a brief shiur: The Haftarot of Tisha B’Av: The Deep Message of the Day
8:45pm: Maariv (Evening) Service
9:00pm: Chanting of Eicha (The Book of Lamentations)
The Book of Eicha (Lamentations) is a short but very powerful expression of the Prophet Jeremiah as he witnessed the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.
The Book of Eicha will be chanted by Linda Alpert, Dina Nelson, Randy Heller and our clergy, along with responsive readings and prayers.
Tisha B’Av
8:30-9:30am: Tisha B’Av Shacharit (Morning) Service
1:30-2:00pm: Tisha B’Av Mincha
A surprisingly moving service that captures so much of the meaning of Tisha B’Av
10:45am: Torah for Tots ~ Early Childhood – Kindergarten, Youth Lounge
Together children and parents celebrate Shabbat! We march around with the Torah, use our imaginations and look out into the desert to see the Jewish people and even make some yummy chicken soup. We hope you can join us for this fun and exciting experience!
10:45am: Youth Services ~ 1st – 6th Grade, Library
Who are some of the people that make our world a better place and why do they do it? After our Shabbat prayers, we will explore Tisha B’Av, and why our best response to this sad day is doing Tikkun Olam! How can you get involved? Come and find out! We will also create our own poetic lamentations to express our feelings about the darkness in our world and how we can help to make it disappear by doing acts of kindness.