Spies are sent to the land of Canaan. When they return, ten give a negative report while two, Joshua and Caleb, support entry into the land. The people are fearful of moving into the land, and are given 40 more years of wandering. At the end of the portion, we learn about aspects of the sacrificial system, and about the laws for wearing tzitzit.
8:07pm: Shabbat Candlelighting
6:30pm: Community Shabbat Dinner
7:30pm: Rhythm & Ruach Shabbat Service Under the Stars
Join us for an outdoor, musical Kabbalat Shabbat service and a traditional, a capella Ma’ariv service led by Cantor Goldberg and the WJC Musicians
8:30pm: Volunteer Recognition and Dessert Reception
Thanks to all WJC’s many volunteers! Installation of new Officers and Trustees, all accompanied by delicious desserts.
8:45-9:30am: Torah Study with Rabbi Segelman
Topic: Some Delicious Spiritual Insights into Challah
9:30am-12pm: Shabbat Services
Rabbi Segelman will deliver the sermon
Topic: Some Thoughts on Israel’s Conflicts
We celebrate the bat mitzvah of Samantha Rosuck
Kiddush sponsored by the Perle Rosuck family
8:00pm: Mincha Ma’ariv
There will be a Seudah Shlisheet (light dinner) after Mincha
at which Rabbi Segelman will say a brief shiur.
Topic: Why My Grandmother Freaked Out
When I Walked Around the House in My Stocking Feet
10:45am: Torah for Tots ~ Early Childhood – Kindergarten, Youth Lounge
Share what your family loves about Shabbat! Join us as parents and children together sing songs, clap our hands, dance, and enjoy learning about Shabbat.
10:45am: Youth Services ~ 1st – 6th Grade, Library
In this week’s parsha, Shelach, we read about the twelve spies that were sent into Israel. In honor of their efforts, we will play our own version of “I Spy” in Youth Services.