Shabbat Shalom WJC Family,
It is hard to believe that the High Holidays have passed, we are now in 5781, and Sukkot is upon us. So, first some gratitude –
As expected, these High holidays were like nothing we’ve experienced before, and yet as I’d hoped, many of you have reported discovering new meaning in many of the services and rituals. I felt that way too and I am so grateful. I cannot adequately express my thanks to our leadership, volunteer service leaders, and participants and teachers, as well as Cantor Goldberg, Rabbi Dalton, and the rest of the staff for all they contributed to the success of our services, classes, and experiences surrounding the season. Also, very special thanks to our High Holiday Task Force, Covid-19 Task Force, and Spiritual Life Committee for their guidance, support, and activity as it related to the season.
Now as we look forward to Sukkot, it too will be very different from the past. In many ways, the Sukkot is designed to remind us of our vulnerability–this year a reminder that we need like a hole in the head. However, it is also a time to appreciate the outdoors, the crisp autumn weather, and the beauty of the world around us—that kind of focus I think we can use now as much as ever! I hope you are building a Sukkah or will take advantage of one of the opportunities to have a snack in the synagogue’s sukkah to fulfill the mitzvah and enjoy the outdoors for a few minutes.
The sukkah will be open after morning minyan and Yom Tov services for a quick blessing and snack (individually wrapped cookies). Social distancing and masks will continue to be observed and we will be “eating and running” so to speak.
We are also offering evenings to have socially distanced meals in the sukkah, one household to a table, bring your own dairy food. A clergy or staff member will be present to help you say the appropriate blessings.
Also, please see the detailed listing of the services we are offering and their timing below. While I am optimistic that these holidays will also be a new kind of meaningful, just like Passover and the High Holidays, I am also hopeful that the very tactile rituals of Sukkot and Simchat Torah will be back as normal in 5782.
Please remember to pre-register for services on weekdays and Yom Tov (the next two Saturdays and Sundays). Services for Yom Tov are listed below, however please note – weekday services Monday-Thursday will begin at 7:15am and on Friday, Hoshanah Rabah, they will begin at 7:00am.
We are looking forward to sharing this holiday with you virtually or in-person. Ta’am Yom Tov and Shabbat services tonight will be at 5:00pm online and I will daven the early parts of the service starting at 9:00am on Saturday and Sunday. We will start with a minyan for Torah service at 10:00am – pre-register or join the live stream from our website.
One last thing, if you would like to read my sermons that were presented on Yom Kippur, there are links to the written texts below this message.
See you in shul or online and Chag Sameach,
Each Yom Tov morning will begin with the Torah service at 10:00am in the sanctuary. Rabbi Arnowitz will lead the Preliminary (Pesukei D’Zimra) and Morning (Shacharit) services from the sanctuary without a minyan present. All services will be on our live stream at
To attend in person, please contact the WJC office at
Friday, October 2
Ta’am Sukkot – 5:00pm
via Zoom: Meeting ID – 856 9866 0300
Saturday, October 3
Shabbat and Sukkot Day 1 Service – 10:00am
via WJC Live Stream:
Sunday, October 4
Sukkot Day 2 Service – 10:00am
via WJC Live Stream:
Friday, October 9
Ta’am Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah – 5:30pm
via Zoom: Meeting ID – 837 3139 9082
Saturday, October 10
Shemini Atzeret Services — 10:00am
This service includes the Yizkor Memorial Service via WJC Live Stream:
October 11 at 10:00
Due to health concerns there will be no hakafot, but everyone who wants will be able to take an aliyah to the Torah from his or her seat.