Today is July 27, 2024 /

Shabbat Shalom ~ Shavuot 2022

Dear WJC Family,

In this week’s Torah portion, Bemidbar, we read, “These are the descendants of Aaron and Moses … Nadab, Abihu, Elazar and Itamar” (Numbers, 3:1-2). The great commentator Rashi points out that only the children of Aaron are actually listed, Moshe’s sons are conspicuously absent, and asks why? He explains that Moses taught Aaron’s sons Torah. So, this verse reveals the idea that if you teach people Torah, it is as if you are their spiritual parent. It is a beautiful and profound idea that emphasizes the incredible value Judaism places on teachers of Torah.

At WJC we are blessed to have many master teachers of Torah. Many of them are teaching this Saturday evening in honor of the anniversary of the revelation of the Torah on Mt. Sinai otherwise known as Shavuot. I hope you will join us for some or all of our “Tikkun – the Shavuot Night Learn-in” including dinner and customary dairy dessert. Featured teachers will be our clergy, Education Director Aleza Kulp facilitating a program for the kids, Rabbi Jen Tobenstein, Hazzan Ellen Arad and Rabbi Menachem Creditor. Check out all the details here.

And don’t forget, we will recite the Yizkor Memorial Prayers at Yom Tov services on Monday morning in our sanctuary at 9:15, as well as at our early service at 7am on the Sukkah Patio.

For more on the holiday and what the holiday of Shavuot can teach us today, check out the Dvar Torah video below this message.

Also, don’t forget to check out the details of “On Angel’s Shoulders” A Concert in Support of Ukrainian Children featuring several Ukrainian renowned musicians – Sunday evening June 12th in partnership with United Methodist Church of Mamaroneck. Check out the details here.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a Chag Sameach,

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