Dear WJC Family,
I hope that everyone had a meaningful Passover holiday. While at our seder the Jews managed to get out of Egypt again this year (it’s like watching the Globetrotters play the Generals), we remain in our “Mitzraim” (in this forced separation) for a while longer. I am pleased to report that, at least as far as we know, the health situation for the few dozen of our members we know to have been positive for the virus and even the ones who became symptomatic, continue to improve. Not everyone is out of the woods, but most are showing signs of healing – Baruch HaShem. I have also heard about a few new infections, especially among healthcare providers, so please continue keep them in your prayers. Also, if you know of someone who is sick, with COVID-19 or anything else, who we may not have heard about, please let us know.
Even as we can see the efficacy of the social distancing among our synagogue family, it seems with every passing day it is harder to stay upbeat. I am sure the situation, the isolation, and the anxiety is getting to many of you – I sense the loneliness at the edges of my vision all the time now. Most of us are social creatures and while we love our families, of course, it is hard to be so limited in our interactions and physical spaces. And some of us don’t have family nearby —as the Creation story tells us, people were not made to be alone. If you are feeling anxious, lonely or just plain blue, this is a natural reaction to what is going on and we are here to talk it through. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, Rav Jef or Cantor Ethan—we can’t fix this any more than anyone else, but talking can help, especially in these circumstances.
I also hope you will join us at the many opportunities we have to interact as a congregation online—it is not the same, but it helps too. As we get better at organizing online experiences, please let us know any ideas you have and would want to be involved in—even if you told us before, remind us now as our capacity has grown and it was pretty chaotic getting this all up and running. Look below to see a few highlights—I am especially excited about the Conservative Yeshiva class on Monday that is exclusively for our WJC community.
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and see you online,
We welcome Shabbat with a taste of our Friday evening and Saturday morning services. There will be singing, Torah reading, a Dvar Torah from one of our rabbis and a kavanah or intention for lighting the candles and starting a Shabbat of peace and warmth together. (Pre-neg will resume next week)
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Join us as we say goodbye to the quiet of Shabbat with the beautiful symbols and music of havdalah!
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First three Mondays: “Meaningful Prayer in Challenging Moments” with Rabbi Daniel Silverstein
Bringing our Whole Self into Prayer—sources from the Tanach, ancient rabbis, Kabbalists and Chasidic masters on overcoming the many doubts, anxieties, distractions and other hindrances which impede our prayer experience, not by ignoring or dismissing them, but by bringing them into our prayers.