Dear WJC Family,
I hope everyone was able to have a meaningful and, in its way, joyous Purim. As we turn to another Passover that will be unprecedented in most of our lifetimes (my first Passover here in 2020 also qualified for that description) I thought it would be nice to share a letter from my friend Dr. Miriam Feldman-Kaye whose community’s youth have been the recipient of funds from our Israel Assistance Fund. The teens have been facilitating programs for youth that are displaced to their Jerusalem neighborhood. Attached is a thank you note from Miriam, including several pictures of the youth activities we are helping make possible. From me as well, thank you to all of you who have contributed so that we can make small, direct differences in the lives of Israelis, especially the youth.
As we turn to the Passover season of rebirth and redemption, these pictures serve as a good reminder. The Torah and haggadah tell us that God brought the people out of Egypt with signs and wonders, so the pictures are a sign, if you will. They remind us that wonders come in all different forms and sometimes, when we are very lucky, we are even privileged to help make them happen. As Passover approaches, I hope you will help us create more such wonders, to help bring about redemption one displaced child or hungry mouth at a time. One way to do so is to contribute to our Food Fund Drive for Project Ezra by sending a check, must be made out ONLY to “Project Ezra,” and received at WJC by April 12, Attention SOJAC. (If you prefer to mail a check directly to Project Ezra, please mark the memo “Passover-WJC member” and mail to: Project Ezra/ 387 Grand Street- Ground Floor/ NY, NY 10002/ Attn. Gerry.) Or you can donate online by going to Follow directions to donate, noting WJC on your donation. Remember, the collection ends April 12.
We have a beautiful Shabbat ahead during which we will celebrate the b’nai mitzvah of Adam and Nathan Weisz – mazal tov to them and to their parents Anne Rossmann and Rob Weisz.
See you in shul,
Dear Westchester Jewish Center!
Happy Purim! We want to thank you for your most generous contribution to our youth and community plans which include the displaced and children of soldiers.
We are beginning Purim here very soon. It is very different this year. We cannot thank you enough for your support and solidarity at such trying times.