Shabbat Shalom ~ Vayikra 2023

Dear WJC Family,

Chodesh Tov! Yesterday we celebrated Rosh Chodesh Nisan, the new month of Nisan. That means there are just two weeks until Passover begins! One of the ways we celebrate freedom on Passover is by asking questions – only free people can question. It is why the seder begins with Four Questions and is designed to prompt many more. In that questioning spirit of the holiday, if you have questions about the seder (running one or attending one), about kashering for Passover (cleaning out hametz products we are not allowed to eat on Passover) or would like to request a seder to attend, please let me know.

Over the next couple of weeks we will also be offering a number of opportunities to learn about Passover and get ideas for your seders, starting with my 8:30am class Saturday morning – our topic will be “Next Year in Jerusalem: and other parts of the seder that we are too tired to discuss.” Look for more offerings as the holiday nears!

In synagogue on Saturday morning I will be sharing some thoughts and reflections about my UJA Federation-sponsored trip to Israel with a group of New York area rabbis. The trip provided encounters with a number of speakers that made the situation clearer and even more complicated than I’d thought. It is possible, though difficult, to understand the governmental policies at issue. Harder to comprehend are the underlying societal ills bringing the issue of judicial review to prominence at this moment and with this convulsive nature. For a preview of my reflections, you can watch the video link below.

On Friday night there will be our regular Friday evening minyan at 6:45pm. Also on Friday evening, our third graders will celebrate their Chag HaSiddur – mazal tov to them and all their families! We are looking forward to celebrating with you!

See you in shul,

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