7:30pm: Tikkun Leil Shavuot (In Person/Live Stream)
Celebrate Shavuot as we did at Sinai—encamped outdoors! From 7:30pm to midnight, we will enjoy a series of shiurim (Torah lessons) from teachers within our community. We will gather outdoors in the courtyard under a canopy for a fun and meaningful night of learning to bring in Shavuot.
7:30pm: mincha afternoon service
7:45pm: Rabbi Cornelia Dalton, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Demons, Dybbuks, and Witches in Jewish Imagination. Does the Torah talk about the supernatural? Did the rabbis believe that demons had chicken feet? Do we still believe in this sort of thing today? (For everyone, including teenagers)
8:30pm: maariv evening service and food
9:00pm: Rabbi Jen Tobenstein, Hearing is Believing: The auditory processing of Revelation
9:45pm: break for food
10:00pm: Seth Schafler, Reading Ruth An exploration of the Megillah read on Shavuot with an emphasis on the interpretations of Dr. Leon Kass
10:45pm: break and food
11:00pm: Rabbi Arnowitz, Torah and the Persistence of Evil: Questions answered and left carefully unanswered by the Torah
9:15am: Shavuot Morning Services (In-Person/Live Stream)
10:45am: Torah for Tots (In-Person) REGISTER NOW
10:45am: Youth Services (In-Person) REGISTER NOW
*If you are interested in registering for Torah for Tots or Youth Services, please email Aleza directly before Shabbat.
9:15am: Shavuot Morning Services (In-Person/Live Stream)
10:45am: Torah for Tots (In-Person) REGISTER NOW
10:45am: Youth Services (In-Person) REGISTER NOW
8:55pm: Havdalah (via Zoom)