Today is July 26, 2024 /

Shmulik Gov Ari featured in Intermountain Jewish News

WJC’s Israeli dance expert, Shmulik Gov Ari, recently traveled to Denver and Boulder, Colorado, to lead workshops. The Intermountain Jewish News highlighted Gov Ari’s visit:

Early one Sunday morning, a group of avid folk dancers at Boulder’s Avalon Ballroom are strutting through their paces, admittedly a bit more winded and achier than usual. After all, due to COVID, most of those on the hardwood floor hadn’t danced in a year-and-a-half.

Their guest instructor, however, looked as spry as ever and came to Colorado with a message.

“COVID has changed things,” famed choreographer Shmulik Gov Ari tells the dancers, “but we have to work hard not to let it change our life. It’s a mission.”

Click here to read the entire article.

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