Sign Up for Daily Minyan

The daily minyan is the backbone of the WJC community and provides an opportunity, twice a day, for members of the congregation to pray, to connect with others in the community, and, if they are in mourning or have yahrzeit, to say kaddish. Please join us for minyan in the chapel or on Zoom (and in the mornings, please join us afterward, if you have time, for fresh bagels, coffee, and conversation). Newcomers are especially welcome. We are eager to expand the group of congregants who help make our daily in-person minyans possible.

To ensure that we have ten people present in person for each minyan, we ask you to sign up in advance, if possible, for our weekday morning and evening minyans and for the Friday and Saturday night minyans as well. Click here to sign up. But please feel free to come even if you have not signed up beforehand.

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