Each year, for the thirty days preceding the Yamim Nora’im, the High Holidays, Jewish people ready themselves. During the month of Elul, we have the opportunity to reflect, account for, and consider our lives, so that our souls may attain a purer state to begin the new year.
It is said that if the High Holidays represent the climax of our year, then the month of Elul is our journey, the rich effort up the mountain, that enables the view at the apex to be so sweet.
We invite you to join us on this journey to the new year, to reflect, account for and grow within your own personal Cheshbon HaNefesh; may this year lead us more deeply to replenishing our souls.
Please reply to thewjcsisterhood@gmail.com to commit to joining our fundraiser and take part in a month of mindfulness; with only one minute of your day, we will provide you with opportunities to self-reflect and grow in a multi-dimensional way, so that you may feel more peace by the arrival of the high holidays and approach them with a deeper readiness.
Simply Zelle (thewjcsisterhood@gmail.com) or write a check (made out to WJC Sisterhood, mailed to WJC, attn: Sisterhood Fundraiser) any amount of money you’d like to contribute to Sisterhood.
This year, Sisterhood strives to enrich our community with a robust series of events geared towards fun, socializing, learning, fitness, mindfulness, and social action. Our goal is to make as many of our events as possible free of charge; we rely on fundraisers like this to continue this welcoming tradition.
Anyone can participate in this Fundraiser! You do not have to be a Sister, nor a member of WJC, or even Jewish. Please feel free to extend this fundraising invitation to anyone you believe may benefit from it.
Each morning, during the month of Elul, you will receive a mindful email in your inbox, giving you a daily opportunity to conduct a Cheshbon HaNefesh, an accounting of your soul, in a beautiful effort towards replenishing your soul.
The month of Elul begins on Friday, August 26. Please register prior to next Friday so you will receive your first email on the first day of Elul.
Wishing you peace and joy in the coming month,
Glenna Lee
President of The WJC Sisterhood
*Glenna Lee, is a meditation guide at the JCC of Manhattan, Jewish Educator for more than twenty years, and WJC Sisterhood President
P.S. August is Membership Renewal Month for Sisterhood! Please *RENEW* your membership today so you will: