Weekdays and Sundays, 8:00am: Minyan
Please note: The minyan will be led by one of our clergy, and it is not the same as saying kaddish with a physical minyan. When this crisis passes, we will return to the requirement of a minyan with ten people physically in attendance together to make a minyan.
On Tuesday and Thursday Rabbi Segelman will teach his regular after-minyan study session for 30-45 minutes. Just stay on the Zoom after the service to participate.
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/725228994
Sunday-Thursday, 7:00pm: WJC Evening Community Time
There was such an overwhelming appreciation for being together Friday and Saturday evenings that we are adding a regular evening gathering. It’s a 15-20 minute opportunity to be together with our community and clergy for a song, prayer, story or meditation. Appropriate for all ages.
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/445906724
Tuesday 9:45-10:45am: Torah with Rabbi Arnowitz
Our regular deep dive into the weekly portion with Rabbi Arnowitz.
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/738077371
Wednesday 8:00am: An Abbreviated Instrumental Shacharit with Cantors Ethan and Shoshi
A Morning Minyan with music and spirit provided by the cantors of Westchester Jewish Center and Temple Israel Center.
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/725228994
Thursday 7:30pm: Thursday Night “Saturday Morning Torah” with Rabbi Segelman
Every Saturday Morning Rabbi Segelman teaches an amazing class on the Torah portion or a topic relevant to the day. Since we cannot gather on Saturday mornings, we will be convening the class virtually on Thursday evenings.
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/907858576
Please note: Our Hebrew School virtual schedule is extensive, and will be communicated to parents in separate emails. Our ECC is also working on virtual activities that will be sent directly to ECC families.