A deep dive into the weekly Torah portion Naso. This week’s theme: “The Nazarite and the Prominence of Wine in Jewish Ritual.”
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/738077371
Exploring Prayer today through the Prayers of the Bible
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/96612823745
Our partnership with the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem continues at a new time with teaching presented by another of the CY’s most popular teachers, Bex Stern Rosenblatt (bio here).
The destruction of the Temple and exile from Jerusalem in 586 BCE fundamentally changed our way of conceptualizing God. In the aftermath of the destruction, two modes of prayer battled for dominance as the correct way to restore the community, heal the rift with God, and bring a sense of normalcy back. In this course, we will examine both penitential prayer and lament as modes of prayer, diving deeply into Psalms 88, Ezra 9, and Lamentations 3. As we read these poems of destruction, we will look for what resonates with us as the inheritors of both traditions of prayer.
Rabbi Segelman’s topic will be “Can I Give a Blessing to my Grandchild, my Friend or my Rabbi? How Do I Do It and What Does it Mean?”
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/907858576
Please note: The minyan will be led by one of our clergy, and it is not the same as saying kaddish with a physical minyan. When this crisis passes, we will return to the requirement of a minyan with ten people physically in attendance together to make a minyan.
Rabbi Segelman’s study session starts at 7:30am and precedes the service on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/725228994
There was such an overwhelming appreciation for being together Friday and Saturday evenings that we are adding a regular evening gathering. It’s a 15-20 minute opportunity to be together with our community and clergy for a song, prayer, story or meditation. Appropriate for all ages.
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/445906724