A deep dive into the weekly Torah portion (Emor). This week’s theme: Sanctifying Time and Our Lives. Join us: https://zoom.us/j/738077371
Children along with a grown up are invited to join us online for fun with Eileen Fortuna, PJ Library Story Teller. Join us: https://zoom.us/j/99617617980
All are welcome so invite your family members that may live in other areas! Questions? Contact Aleza Kulp.
Grandparents, parents, and our little ones are invited to join Carla from Tkiya to sing and dance along with friends from WJC! When a grownup signs on at the beginning of the session, please type your child’s name in the chatbox so we can personally welcome each child to our PJ Library ShaJam get together! If you have any materials at home that will allow your family to better participate in music (scarves, shakers, etc) it will be great to have those on hand. Join us: https://zoom.us/j/932185837
Questions? Contact Aleza Kulp.
Join Tami Arnowitz to make challah dough together. You can follow along with her as she makes her favorite recipe (click here) or make your own favorite recipe. It’s an opportunity to be together while preparing the delicious challah that will feed our bodies and our neshamot (souls) for Shabbat. We will make the dough together and then give instructions and suggestions on letting it rise, braid and bake or you can join back together on the same link to braid.
If you need yeast (we know it’s hard to find), we have some to share. Please reach out to tlarnowitz@gmail.com. Let’s Challah is open to all! This week we are doing it in conjunction with The Leffell School’s Challathon. Join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85385091824
Rabbi Segelman’s topic will be “We All Have a Temper.” Join us: https://zoom.us/j/907858576
Little ones along with their grown-up are invited to join our Torah for Tots leader, Diane Holsten for an age-appropriate pre-Shabbat experience. Together we will sing songs, read a special story, and welcome Shabbat together. Join us: https://zoom.us/j/97987298787
When signing onto Zoom please have your device labeled with our child’s name.
Join us: https://zoom.us/j/96612823745
Our partnership with the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem continues with teaching presented by another of the CY’s most popular teachers, Bex Stern Rosenblatt (check out her bio here).
The destruction of the Temple and exile from Jerusalem in 586 BCE fundamentally changed our way of conceptualizing God. In the aftermath of the destruction, two modes of prayer battled for dominance as the correct way to restore the community, heal the rift with God, and bring a sense of normalcy back. In this course, we will examine both penitential prayer and lament as modes of prayer, diving deeply into Psalms 88, Ezra 9, and Lamentations 3. As we read these poems of destruction, we will look for what resonates with us as the inheritors of both traditions of prayer.
Recording of today’s class, the third part of “Meaningful Prayer in Challenging Moments” with Rabbi Daniel Silverstein, is available here.
Password: 5t#%41d?
Download the accompanying source sheet.
If you watch the class recording and want to ask questions, email them to rja@wjcenter.org and Rabbi Arnowitz will pass them along to Rabbi Silverstein.
The coronavirus pandemic and social-distancing/shelter-in-place measures have placed unprecedented stress on individuals, as well as strain on couples and families. This session is geared for parents who have children at home to help manage life, love and couple-hood under the new normal. We will use Jewish tradition and wisdom to address questions like, “If we are together all the time, why do we feel so far apart?” “How do we pull ourselves out of the mutual guilt-spiral and turn it into something that feels more like a partnership?” and “When everything about our lives changes in an instant, how do we recognize what is most important and how to hold on to it?” Not to mention the oft-queried, “Am I failing as a parent if I don’t relish having every single meal with my children?” Rabbi Arnowitz has recently been asked all of these questions and many more by individuals and couples looking for ways to cope with the new normal. In this class, we will start to address some of those questions with an option to continue as a series.
Please indicate your interest in the class with an rsvp to rosie@wjcenter.org
Join us: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85290288057
Please note: The minyan will be led by one of our clergy, and it is not the same as saying kaddish with a physical minyan. When this crisis passes, we will return to the requirement of a minyan with ten people physically in attendance together to make a minyan.
On Tuesday and Thursday Rabbi Segelman will teach his regular after-minyan study session for 30-45 minutes. Just stay on the Zoom after the service to participate Join us: https://zoom.us/j/725228994
There was such an overwhelming appreciation for being together Friday and Saturday evenings that we are adding a regular evening gathering. It’s a 15-20 minute opportunity to be together with our community and clergy for a song, prayer, story or meditation. Appropriate for all ages. Join us: https://zoom.us/j/445906724