This is my third and final year as President. Thank you for the honor and privilege of serving our WJC community. While we have accomplished much together, as I Iook ahead, there is still a lot to do this year.
Although the summer calendar is less busy, we have been actively building a strong program year behind the scenes. Our Office, clergy, staff, and lay leaders worked hard to prepare for the High Holidays. Over the summer, we welcomed our new Early Childhood Center Director, Ann Pardes, with much excitement! I wish Ann much success and look forward to working with her.
We also spent the summer gearing up for our search for a new rabbi. There are two developments I would like to report:
(1) We hosted three “Let’s Talk Rabbi” sessions, plus one additional session for our past presidents and Honorary Trustees, to chat about what our congregation would like to see in a new Rabbi. We had very good turnouts and discussions. Your feedback at those meetings will be vital in shaping our understanding of what and who we are looking for in our next rabbi, and will be shared with the Rabbinic Search Committee. Thank you Sarene Shanus, Susie Miller, and Ilana Moskowitz for leading this task force to make these discussions so successful.
(2) I am happy to report the Rabbinic Search Committee is in the early stages of formation and preparation for undertaking the search. Seth Schafler and Alynn Pearl agreed to co-chair the Committee. Thank you Alynn, Seth, and the committee members for taking on such an important role that will impact the future of our synagogue. The committee members currently include Ali Abrahms, Bobby Cohen, Elise Dowell, Wayne Goldstein, and Craig Rubin.
As we bring in 5779, I want to welcome our new Trustees. All of our Officers returned from last year. Thank you to Rob Weisstuch and the Nominating Committee for their hard work creating an excellent slate of Trustees. I always enjoy working with our new Officers and Trustees, going through orientation with them, and answering their questions. I get to see WJC through a fresh set of eyes and learn something new as well. Thank you to our new Trustees and returning Officers for your service.